Submission and Registration

Submissions Rules

Applicants may submit more than one abstract for review.
Word limit for the abstract is 300 words; the abstract should not include references.
The abstracts are peer-reviewed.
ORAL or POSTER submissions - by submitting the abstract the authors hereby affirm that the work submitted is theirs, original and recent. Please choose one of the following thematic axes and use the corresponding headings when submitting your abstract:

1. Disruption: climate change, global warming, heat island, rising sea levels, pandemic, healthy cities, migrations, conflicts, etc.
2. Continuity: history of urban form, cultural heritage, comparative studies, multidisciplinarity, conservation, preservation, etc.
3. Expansion: Global South, megamorphologies, morphometrics, tent cities, etc.
4. Reverberation: teaching, research and practice.

To facilitate the blind review process, individuals and institutions should not be identified in the body of the abstract; e.g. use ‘author’s institution’ instead of using the name of the company or the university.

Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the International Seminar on Urban Form. In 2024 we will celebrate the 31st edition in São Paulo (Brazil). We hope to have your contributions and that you can spread the word among potential interested parties.

The dates of the seminar will be September 16th to 20th, 2024.

The deadline to submit abstracts is January 31st. To submit proposals, use the template attached.

You will receive a response regarding your acceptance by March, 31st.


Registration for the ISUF2024 should be paid by credit card in ExOrdo platform. Early bird and regular registration fees and deadlines are listed below.


Graduate Student Fee Euros Reais
Early Price 23rd Apri - 23rd Jun 100 360
Regular Price 24th Jun - 15th Sep 125 450
Late Price 16th Sep 150 540

Professor and Professionals Fee Euros Reais
Early Price 23rd Apri - 23rd Jun 200 720
Regular Price 24th Jun - 15th Sep 250 900
Late Price 16th Sep 300 1080


Gala Dinner Euros Reais
Early Price 23rd Apri - 23rd Jun 50 180
Regular Price 24th Jun - 15th Sep 60 210
Late Price 16th Sep 70 240

Excursion-price of each Euros Reais
Early Price 23rd Apri - 23rd Jun 50 180
Regular Price 24th Jun - 15th Sep 60 210
Late Price 16th Sep 70 240

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